Are you planning to Jog? Then Don’t Forget to do This

Bhuvanesh / January 08, 2020

4 min read


5 Must Follow Tips to Joggers for an Effective Run

In one of William Shakespeare's novels, he said

You may be jogging whiles your boots are green.

Although it has nothing to do with exercise, this is how the word “Jogging” came into existence.

Jogging is one of the aerobic exercises widely followed throughout the world. It seems like simple running but you should do it correctly to reap its full benefits.

You can follow these simple tips for a brisk early morning run.

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1. Love For Shoes

You must have the right shoe as it is essential for your feet and a long run. Almost every footwear store has decent running shoes, visit a shoe shop nearby and choose a shoe that fits you well. Remember to buy a shoe that’s comfortable for you because it will be your daily drive. In case you couldn’t find a shoe that suits your feet, then you can buy comfy insoles as it is compatible with almost all shoes.

If you are too lazy to visit a store then there’s a lot of options online as well. But I suggest you go to a shop and personally try them out.

2. Don’t Start Running

Iron Man said, “Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk'', well, this is definitely not the case here. Maintain a slow pace at the start, it’s better to walk a few rounds before you start jogging. Take a break by walking in-between whenever you feel like you have reached your limit. It’s called the run-walk method. It’s proven to be very effective. Remember it's not about the distance you cover but how well you pace your entire jog.

3. Check Your Body Posture

You must maintain a steady posture throughout the jog, incorrect posture will cause strain to your body parts. Remember to keep this mind when you are jogging,

  1. Your shoulders be back. Don’t lean front.
  2. Keep your arms and hands relaxed. Don’t stress.
  3. Don’t have a tight grip, you are not gonna fight someone. Loosen it.
  4. Breath in and Breathe out when you jog.


4. Push Yourself

I did say you to take it light in the start but that doesn’t mean you can stop jogging whenever you want. Say, you ran 2km and if you have the energy to go a few more rounds then do it. Most of the people stop jogging at 2km because of laziness. You know your limit better than anyone else, you can rest when you reach your maximum limit.

Have a backpack, carry some water. Set a goal and finish it.

5. Warm Up After Jogging

You have finished jogging, but it doesn’t mean you are done for the day. It’s necessary that you cool down your muscles before you go home. Cooling down helps the sore muscles to relax. Also, you will run out of breath when you jog, so relax at the end by walking for a few minutes.

Standing quadriceps stretch, upper body stretch, standing forward bend, shoulder stretch and sit ups are some of the effective exercises you can do to cool down after jogging.

Additional Tips

  1. Don’t run on concrete surfaces. Run in tracks that are intended for running. Playgrounds are okay too.
  2. Always warm-up before you start jogging. Stretch your legs.
  3. Apply sunscreen if you plan to run in daytime.
  4. Install fitness apps and track your progress.

To check out some essential jogging accessories, click here

Final Words

Don’t stress yourself if you are not able to jog daily. In the end it’s all about having fun in this mundane routine we do. Apart from the multiple health benefits jogging offers, it’s also a stress-buster.So, relax, just run.

Getting more exercise isn’t only good for your waistline. It's a natural antidepressant, that leaves you in a great mood. ― Auliq Ice

Do tell us in the comment section about your first jogging experience.